In a conversation that ranges through loneliness, privilege, group conflict, and having your sex acts taken out of context, this is one rollicking topic!
Rog from Curious Creatures is joined by:
Barbara Carrellas – World renowned author, workshop therapist, coach, adviser and speaker. Barbara has written many books, including the revolutionary ‘Urban Tantra’ and ‘Ecstasy is Necessary’. Find her at
Cyndi Darnell – Therapist, facilitator, author and speaker. Cyndi has been a committed leader within the field of sexuality for decades and offers powerful therapeutic assistance in all matters related to sexuality and relationships. Find her at, and also look for her Mindfulness & Intimacy workshop, her Desire series of online workshops, and her Atlas of Erotic Anatomy & Arousal.
Curious Creatures can be found at

This one gave me so many feels. Yes, yes, yes. “I didn’t realise how lonely it would be.” I don’t think any of us did.