Sex and cancer.
If you think this doesn’t apply to you, you’re almost certainly wrong. About one in two, or maybe one in three of us, will have cancer at some stage in our lives. But almost all of us will have someone close to us get cancer, and so will find ourselves as partners or carers getting an intimate relationship with cancer one way or another.
In this episode, my partner Tess and I invite another couple over for a game of Q&A around the themes of sex, cancer, relationships, and intimacy. Tori and Drew, the other couple, just want to be referred to by their first names.
It so happens that all four people are polyamorous, and it’s interesting to see how polyamory played into the cancer diagnosis and treatment process. To hint at what’s coming up, let’s just say that being poly wasn’t at all a bad thing.
This episode will also make a lot of sense to anyone that’s got a chronic illness, a disability, or some other health crisis.
Tess Deveze’s course for couples with cancer:
Tess Deveze’s general page: