Today, we’re dropping back in on an episode from 2017, on the question of whether or not consent is sexy.
The background, btw, is that in trying to sell the idea of consent, for most of the last 50 years we’ve taken a perspective of using the stick, rather than the carrot; we’ve said “Do consent, because it’s the right thing to do, and doing anything else is wrong”.
That’s not an inaccurate statement, but it’s not a particularly positive message, and so a movement sprang up more recently to sell the idea that Consent is sexy… ie. it will lead you to the things you want.
The idea is that more people will listen to that message, however others feel that it waters down, or detracts from, the original message.
My guests are two sex educators; Dossie Easton, based in San-Fransisco, and Anne Hunter, based in Melbourne.
Curious Conversations About Sex forum:
Consent Cards:
Dossie Easton:
Anne Hunter: