Why are men such dicks?

Curious Conversations About Sex
Why are men such dicks?
Rog: “It was such a delight to tackle this very difficult question with Lorraine and Charlotte. Their perspective and insight and willingness to feel the humanity of the issues was relieving… special. The world is a better place for their understanding and willingness to engage”.
Rog, from Curious Creatures, is joined by:
Lorraine Pentelow – a very compassionate and trained Sexological Bodyworker (a modality that brings sexual theory and touch together as a therapy).  Lorraine is a gifted therapist, and can be found at www.lorrainep.com.au.
Charlotte Sway – live sensory artist and fetish escort.  Charlotte is a leader in bringing creativity and quirkiness into her considerable skills in kink / bdsm.  She is also a trained Sexological Bodyworker, and can be found at www.charlottesway.net.
Find Curious Creatures at www.curiouscreatures.biz.