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Today, we’re switching! Rog (from Curious Creatures) is being interviewed by someone else. Well, sort of; there’s a bit of topping from the bottom going on. Oops.
You may remember Isiah McKimmie from a few episodes back; they chatted about safer sex. It was such fun, that they wanted to interview me about oral sex for their podcast, Love, Sex, and Intimacy (linked to in the show-notes). And we’re now listening to that conversation, here.
We started with Isiah trying to work out whether they actually like oral sex or not…
Isiah’s podcast: https://www.isiah-mckimmie.com/blog-pod/
Curious Creatures are at https://www.curiouscreatures.biz
I wonder why you use the term “junk”? It seems counter to your values of honouring people and their genitals and bringing them out of the shadow of shame and inhibition. Sounds demeaning to me…..
Great question!
Part of this, for me, is a reclaiming of language, in the same ways that the words ‘poof’ and ‘queer’ have been reclaimed by their respective communities. It’s most definitely not intended with a negative attitude by me. I love junk.
There’s also not a lot of other words to choose from, especially where male genitals are concerned – there is no equivalent of ‘vagina’, ‘vag’, ‘pussy’, ‘cunt’, etc. that includes the cock, balls, and internal parts. (Not that ‘junk’ is male-specific, which is a bit of a flaw in this logic).
Ta, Roger.
Hi Roger
I agree with Janet re “ Junk “
“ Package “ is possibly a more appropriate word to generally refer
to male genitals ?
Congrats on your work