Today, we’re looking into Restorative Justice again; this is the second in a two-part series, and I hate to do this to you, but I need you to go back and listen to the previous episode, if you haven’t already. Seriously, a bunch of stuff in the following episode won’t make sense, and I’m worried about how some things might sound out of context. It’ll be worth it, because this is a really juicy topic.
Rog, from Curious Creatures www.curiouscreatures.biz, has a revealing, intimate, and compelling conversation with:
– Fiona Landon, from Project Restore, in New Zealand. Project Restore’s vision is for a New Zealand that is free from violence, and they do this through providing world-class Restorative Justice services, tailored to the needs of sexual assault. They can be found at www.projectrestore.nz.
– David Karp is a professor with Skidmore University, USA. He’s been a researcher, coordinator, and practitioner of Restorative Justice services in the university campus context for 15 years. He can be found at www.skidmore.edu/sociology/faculty/karp.php.
The two Melbourne (Australia) based Restorative Justice services are:
Through the Victorian Government’s family violence unit: www.justice.vic.gov.au/fvrjservice
Through RMIT: www.cij.org.au/opencircle
Paid practitioner training: www.aarj.org.au/training