Ep 65 How to have an ‘altered states’ date

Curious Conversations About Sex
Ep 65 How to have an ‘altered states’ date

Today, I want to share with you some ideas on how to have an ‘altered states’ date.

From a psychological perspective, an altered state is a state of mind that is different from whatever you regard as your normal. It means that the way your mind is working, or the way you’re feeling, is somehow different, and you can’t immediately get back to whatever your ‘normal’ is.

Sometimes you can be in an altered state for no apparent reason, but sometimes there’s an obvious cause, like insomnia, or heavy anxiety, or the experience of being madly in love with someone, or being triggered from a strong psychological experience. And so forth.

You are also, of course, in an altered state when you consume alcohol or other drugs, and that’s what we’re talking about today. Specifically, we’re talking about the use of the illegal drug MDMA for the purposes of getting into an altered state with a partner, and having why I call an ‘altered states date’.