We’ve been getting a few questions lately about agreements in polyamory – and since it’s a topic we covered way back in 2017, today we’ll be listening back to that episode.
With Rog are two sex educators and polyamory specialists, Anne Hunter and Dossie Easton. You should definitely check out Dossie’s book, ‘The Ethical Slut’, which is something of a bible when it comes to exploring non-monogamy.
Also, you’ll want to check out Curious Creatures’ workshop, Opening Up To Opening Up, which is available online as well as in-person when the pandemic sorts itself out.
We’ll also have a pre-recorded, ‘view anytime’ version available soon.
Opening Up To Opening Up workshop: www.curiouscreatures.biz/opening-up-to-opening-up-online
The Ethical Slut book: www.dossieeaston.com/books.html
Dossie Easton: www.dossieeaston.com
Anne Hunter: www.annehunter.com.au