Today, we’re listening back to an episode from 2017, where a listener asks for advice on how to become a dom. For those of you not in the kink scene, the word ‘dom’ is short for dominant, which is actually surprisingly hard to define, but you might say: The dominant is the person that’s steering, or perhaps controlling, the play. But that’s actually not entirely accurate, because what happens between two people should be defined by the two of them; it’s not like the dom can just do what they want.
Anyway, let’s handball over to my guests to get into the detail. My first guest is BJ, from Eagle Leather, which is a great fetish-oriented retail outlet in Melbourne. I’ve gotten a lot of great gear from them over the years, and I warmly recommend them.
My second guest is Aerie, from Blue Velvet Arts, who teach ropes and related skills, also in Melbourne. Links to both are in the show notes.
Eagle Leather: www.eagleleather.com.au
Blue Velvet Arts: www.bluevelvetarts.com
Curious Creatures: www.curiouscreatures.biz